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Frequently Asked Questions

(1.) I have access to other Honeywell website applications. Why doesn't it accept my login?
Access to other HAvRel website will use your same login you use with other Honeywell Websites, but additional access privileges must be requested and approved before you'll be able to login to the HAvRel website still has to be requested and approved before you'll be able to login here.

Goto https://havrel.honeywell.com and click on the link on the left blue menu item: Request New Login and answer the questions.

(2.) I submitted my Request for Access, why can't I login?
When you submit a Request for Access, a focal in the Product Reliability group reviews your request and, if approved, sends you email when your access privileges have been set up. It is only after you have received this email that you'll be able to log in. If you're having problems logging in after that, please contact us.

(3.) What do I do once I'm logged in?
If you are looking for information on what happened to units sent to a repair center, failed piece parts, installed service bulletins, monthly/confirmed/NFF counts and ratios, repeat offenders and the like, click on any of the report categories that contain the words "Repair Records". The category description provides a short description of what kind of report is contained in that category.
If you are looking for unit performance (MTBUR/MTBF) data. Click on any of the report categories that contain the words "MTBUR" and/or "MTBF".

(4.) What does "Maximum number of records reached...." mean?
Certain reports are restricted to retrieving a maximum number of records in order to preserve database performance by not tying it up with excessively long queries. A balance between providing useful information and doing so in a timely manner requires this restriction. If you absolutly need to get more than 2000 records, you can adjust your criteria (eg. dates) to reduce your data set until it is less than 2000 records, then adjust your criteria again to get the next set of results.

(5.) I entered criteria for data that I'm sure is there. Why do I get "0 records found"?
First, make sure you have entered your search criteria in the correct search field. For example, entering a customer ICAO code in the Customer Name search field, entering part numbers in the Part Model/Type search field. Also be sure to follow the date format suggested in Date fields.
Additionally, there are some search criteria fields for which a wildcard search is almost always required. One such field is the Customer Name field. Since there is no standard customer naming convention, especially for repair records, use a wildcard character (*)at the end of search text that will likely match what you're looking for. Eg. "American Airline*". Part Number criteria fields are similar. In Repair Records reports the Part Number criteria is search against the full part number in the Repair records, so unless you are specifically searching for a full part number use a wildcard. If wild cards are not used the report will match exactly what is typed in.

(6.) Why is there no MTBUR/ MTBF data for my product(s)?
In order to produce MTBUR/MTBF data, monthly repair count data (Confirmed, NFF, etc.) must be compiled from repair records or other sources (CSE's, etc.). Additionally this data must be combined with information regarding the experience time (flight hours) to which these counts apply. If data is compiled from repair records, a full review must be performed, to ensure quality and coverage, so that performance numbers generated from this data is trustworthy. Similar checks must be performed on count data collected from other sources and on flight hours.
Please note:
  • MTBUR/MTBF data is available, or is being worked, for parts on a tracking list.
  • Every Honeywell product cannot, and will not, be tracked.
  • MTBUR/MTBF data is based on a sample of customers/aircraft types. We cannot track every customer for any one product. We do try to make sure, where possible, that the sample is representative of the population. If your product does not show up and you believe it is important for Honeywell to track it, please contact us. It may even already be on our tracking list
Request Cleaning and/or Summarization of Part Numbers

(7.) There are so many MTBUR/MTBF reports. Which one do I run?
To decide what to run look at the table below:
What I want Where to go
I just want see an MTBUR/MTBF number for one or more part numbers. Category - MTBUR/MTBF
I want to see the MTBUR/MTBF number for one or more parts and/or information broken out by customer or aircraft type. Category - MTBUR/MTBF Details
I want to see how MTBUR/MTBF numbers are changing over time. Category - MTBUR/MTBF Moving Ave

(8.) Why isn't there more recent MTBUR/ MTBF data?
One of primary reasons why there may not be more recent data, for any given product, is given in the answer to Why is there no MTBUR/MTBF data for my product(s)?. Another reason is that our primary source of flight hour information is ACAS. Good flight hour data from ACAS usually lags by about 5 months. Later data is available through ACAS but the data is sometimes incomplete. Use of this later data requires manual review to verify this information is usable. Lastly, the product may simply not be tracked anymore and has been removed from our tracking list.

(9.) What's the difference between 3 month moving average (3MMA), (6MMA) and (12MMA)?
Moving average reports are used to show the performance of a product over time. Depending on the reliability of the product and the size of the sample, among other things, the performance (MTBUR/MTBF) of the product measured over small time periods (say monthly) could vary widely and will not be a real indicator of performance.
Take for example a product that in one month had 2 unscheduled removals over 20,000 Flight Hours and in the following months had 3 unscheduled removals and 1 unscheduled removal respectively, for the same amount of flight hours. The monthly MTBUR for this product will be 10000, 6667 and 20000 Flight Hours for each month respectively; a wide variation. The is considered natural noise in the data.
In order to get a better picture of true performance of the product, we can instead calculate the average performance over a fixed period of time ending on the month in question. This is a moving average. So for a 3 month moving average, data from any one month is averaged with data from the prior two months. However, in many cases, 3 months may still be too short a time period to dampen, or "filter", out this natural noise, so 6 and 12 month moving average report are also provided.
Note also that using a "longer" moving average report (12MMA vs 3MMA) may have its downsides. The longer the time period used for moving averages, the longer it will take for true shifts in the performance to show up.
A balance in the use of these reports, should provide helpful information needed for making decisions, always keeping in mind what question you're trying to answer,

(10.) I'd like to "slice and dice" the data and display it in a different?
If none of the reports available provide what you're looking for, you are encouraged to download the data and use your own analysis tools on the data. Almost all reports provide a "Download .CSV" link which will provide a comma separated value text file of the data you're looking at on the report. The [download .csv] link in the upper left corner of a report will open up the underlying data in an Excel spreadsheet.

(11.) I think a report has a bug. What do I do?
If you see bug when running any report or anywhere else on the site, please use the feedback form to report it. Links to the feeback form are located in many places throughout the site. Also from the main blue menu you can click on "Contact Us" to provide feedback.

(12.) How do I get Basic or Advanced Training on HAvRel?
Basic HAvRel Training is available on the Help menu without logging in. It is a short .pdf giving information on navigation, site contents, tips on use, etc.
Advanced Training is available on the Help menu after logging in. It goes into much greater detail and provides scenarios/questions and tasks to exercise the user as they proceed through the training.

(13.) How do I get Viewing privileges for (EC) Export Controlled Data?
On the Help Menu near the bottom is a link which can be used to request EC data viewing privileges. Fill out the form and submit. We can then evaluate your request and take appropriate action.

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